Book your digital or personal tour of our unique hybrid trade fair now and let our application specialists advise you on your solution. Participation is free of charge for you!

We are continuing the successful event series at our Epson Industrial Solutions Center+ in the new year. Alongside "A grip on automation", the focus is on the topic "Intelligent parts feeding".

Look forward to live demos that show you how flexible, quick and economical part handling can be nowadays.

It all gets going in February 2024! Information and dates to follow shortly. Already curious?

What to expect on a tour of the ISC+

All about robots

From the SCARA entry-level model to agile 6-axis robots to special kinematics that take up extremely little space - our robots show what they can do.

All about applications

Experience in real-world applications how Epson robots help increase yields and improve quality, including:

• Sensitive force measurement

• Flexible parts feeding

• Intelligent high-precision screwdriving

• Economical order picking

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